Varicose and Spider Veins: The Real Truth

Posted on 6/26/2013 by Dr. Adrian den Boer
Categories: heart disease, inflammation, veins

In my practice, I’ve had many women complain about the presence of varicose or spider veins. As twisted, enlarged veins near the surface of the skin, varicose veins are most common in the legs and ankles. Spider veins are similar but smaller and closer to the surface of the skin.

While common in many women, this “new normal” of developing varicose and/or spider veins is not normal, and raises concern for bigger issues of inflammation in the body. Moving beyond aesthetics, this is an issue caused by weakened valves and veins in your legs, causing a collection of blood and pressure in your legs.

Folks, anytime there is a “plumbing” issue that is compromised in the veins, the same thing is going on in the brain and heart. Hence, these two issues are actually signs of inflammatory vein and artery disease. To help improve and reverse these issues, these are the areas that I recommend patients focus on:

1) Eating an anti-inflammatory diet.
Cutting out processed food, inflammatory vegetable oils, and sugars is a huge step in removing inflammation. Additionally, because gluten and dairy are linked to whole-body inflammation, the majority of my patients cut these foods out and find remarkable results. For more information on why gluten is inflammatory, check out my seminar here:

 Including liberal amounts of anti-inflammatory fats.
It is especially important that you include anti-inflammatory fats, too, especially Omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA. These are incorporated into many parts of the body including cell membranes, and are highly beneficial in prevention and treatment of heart disease (Swanson, Block & Mousa, 2012).

Nature’s Remedies carries “Max EPA,” which I recommend 1 capsule with meals 2 – 3 times each day, depending on the patient. Other fantastic sources of Omega-3 include wild-caught salmon, pastured eggs, flaxseed oil, and walnuts. Other anti-inflammatory fats include avocadoes, nuts and seeds, and extra virgin olive oil.

3) Exercising!
Aerobic exercise is crucial for a healthy vascular system and helps to repair the blood vessels (Beere,, 1999.) Aim for getting your heart rate up at three times per week for 30 minutes. For more exercise ideas, check out my post here.

 Supplementing with specific nutrients for blood vessel repair.
Vessel Care, a product carried by Nature’s Remedies, provides key nutrients to aid in healthy cardiovascular health.

 Acoustic Compression
As a cutting edge new technology from Germany, acoustic compression delivers sonic booms to areas of pain, inflammation, and/or swelling, and aids in healing, and decreasing inflammation and pain.
This treatment can be used to improve both the appearance of the varicose and spider veins, as well as decrease inflammation to the area!

Folks, moving beyond aesthetics, varicose and spider veins are a warning flag for health, and should be addressed according to these principals! Time and time again, I’ve seen patients come in with these issues, and generally, we have seen plugged arteries in the heart clear up in 6 – 12 months!
Swanson, D., Block, R., and Mousa, S. Omega-3 Fatty Acids EPA and DHA: Health Benefits Throughout Life. Advances in Nutrition. Nutr vol  3:1  -7, January 2012.
Beere, P., Russell, S., Morey, M., Kitzman, D., Higginbotham, M. Aerobic Exercise Training Can Reverse Age-Related Peripheral Circulatory Changes in Healthy Older Men. American Heart Association. 1999; 100: 1085-1094. 
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