Articles from water distribution

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Headaches: Root Causes and Holistic Treatments

Posted on 7/17/2014 by Dr. Adrian den Boer
Categories: chiropractic care, detoxification, environment, neurological health, stress, water distribution
Have you had a headache in the last year? If not, you’re one of the minority (WHO, 2012). This all-too-common complaint in our doctor’s office is not due to a Tylenol deficiency, and practicing headache management with short-term treatments like Tylenol is neither healthy nor effective in preventing recurring headaches...

Health Biomarkers Series: Water Distribution

Posted on 9/12/2013 by Dr. Adrian den Boer
Categories: detoxification, gut flora, Health biomarker, hormones, water distribution
Another important biomarker of health is water distribution, which is one of the most sensitive markers of inflammation, toxicity, and hormones in the body...