The nervous system is truly our first warning sign.

It is extremely sensitive to surroundings and critical for optimum health. After undergoing an in-depth orthopedic, neurological and nutritional exam, you will be analyzed and assessed according to the Functional Medicine Matrix to see how all pieces of the puzzle fit together to impact your nervous system. We seek to understand the mechanism behind the symptoms, not merely find a diagnosis. Your doctor will consider many things, some of which include potential of heavy metal toxicity, overall state of inflammation, how the immune system is relating to the nervous system, and possibility for any mechanical or joint dysfunction affecting the spinal column. Technology has shifted very rapidly in this field; we utilize advanced therapies ranging from correcting nerve root dysfunction at the vertebral column to significant Lifestyle Therapy to ensure the very best outcome possible. We are pleased to have been a part of patients’ success with improving or eliminating neurological disorders. Up to the right are a few services that we may recommend to begin treating yours.